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Connecting to PhD UNIX Server – Via X-Win32
Applications such as Matlab, SAS, or Stata can be run in a graphical environment from the PhD UNIX server, Latte.
Starting X-Win32
Xwin-32 will give you a GUI (graphical user interface) like Windows instead of a command line only interface. When you first launch Xwin, you will most likely receive some messages about allowing it through the firewall and activating the license for it. Check the box(es) to allow anything to do with Xwin and when the activation window pops up:
- Select License Server from the drop down menu
- Enter for the Hostname
- Enter 5053 for the Port
To configure Latte on Xwin
- Open Xwin configuration
- Click on Wizard on the right side of the window
- Type Latte in the field and click on ssh, then Next
- In the Host field enter: and Next
- Enter your normal Fuqua credentials
- In the Command field, simply click on Linux (the top option in the list) and finish
You should see your new Latte option in the list under “My connections” which you can now single click on, then click Launch. It should now ask for your password connecting you to Latte.
Running Applications on Latte
To run statistical applications on the Unix server “latte”:
- Start Xwin 32, Then start the application of your choice:
- To run Matlab, type matlab &
- To run SAS, type sas &
- To run Stata, type xstata
The graphical version of the application will launch on your Windows desktop.
Latte Applications on MacBook
Connecting to PhD Linux server – via XQuartz
Matlab, SAS & stata can be run on a local graphical environment from the PhD Linux server, (AKA, Additionally, rStudio and SASStudio are available via webUI. To log in to latte, you must have the Duo login system configured for your netID & phone number. See if you have not done so.
Starting XQuartz
From the Launchpad, navigate to Other folder and select XQuartz. This should cause a terminal to open on your macbook. If it does not, select the “Terminal ⌘N” option from the XQuartz “Applications” menu. If you exit this terminal, your XWindows session will be ended.
Making the remote connection
In the terminal window opened by XQuartz in the previous step, issue the following commands to enable free X11 access to your macbook, log in to latte (pippin) and verify XWindows connection:
- xhost +
- this should output “access control disabled, clients can connect from any host”
ssh -X -Y
- You may be prompted by the Duo login system, if not skip this step
(your-netID@pippin) Duo two-factor login for your-netID
Enter a passcode or select one of the following options:
Duo Push to XXX-XXX-9023
Phone call to XXX-XXX-9023
SMS passcodes to XXX-XXX-9023
Passcode or option (1-3): 1Success. Logging you in...
- You may quickly test your connection by running “xclock &”. If everything is OK you will see:
In the terminal window opened by XQuartz in the previous step, issue the following commands to enable free X11 access to your macbook, log in to latte (pippin) and verify XWindows connection:

Starting the latte applications
It is advisable to start up an X terminal from latte to run your applications from, so that there is less risk of exiting the primary shell. In the terminal started above, enter the command “xterm &”, and minimize the original terminal window.
Available X windows applications are:
- /usr/local/bin/matlab
- /usr/local/bin/xstata
- /usr/local/bin/sas
You can also use the command-line version of Stata: /usr/local/bin/stata, which does not require an XWindows display.
Miscellaneous XQuartz settings (⌘,)

Exiting from latte XWindows desktop
Close the initial terminal started by XQuartz.